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- From: Brian Zeiler <bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Edelman's stream of fallacies (was Re: Skeptic fallacies, a select few)
- Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 18:22:07 -0700
- Organization: University of Wisconsin
- Lines: 179
- Message-ID: <31C7563F.266C@students.wisc.edu>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:88266 alt.paranet.ufo:53694 alt.alien.research:26114 sci.skeptic:72506
- Michael Edelman wrote:
- > We see a lot of claims from people writing here that they do "research".
- And we see claims from people like you that are regularly proven false,
- yet strangely, they persist anyway like a typical fanatical zealot.
- > They don't collect data, or test hypotheses.
- I'm collecting data through the Freedom of Information Act. What are you
- doing besides dumping your verbal excrement in this group with hollow
- ridicule and obnoxious winks?
- >What they do is read books ]
- > written by other UFO fans. This is how research was done in the Dark Ages ;-)
- More ignorant blather from a vapid buffoon. These "books written by
- other UFO fans" that are cited by David Rudiak and myself make use of
- government data that can easily be confirmed or refuted. This data is
- from the USAF primarily. It's pretty shady of you to minimize the value
- by calling them "books by written by other UFO fans". If you have a
- problem with this, I suggest you attempt to authenticate some
- information, and if you fail to provide corroboration from the USAF,
- then you will have the right to be the obnoxious prick that you are.
- Until then, however, you can only be regarded as a pseudoscientific
- crackpot for refuting 50 years of literature on a subject with empty,
- hollow, generalized claims with absolutely no empirical information to
- defend your apparent accusations of fraudulent data.
- > Given how poor communications were between here and Brazil in the 1950s,
- Can you corroborate this claim of yours that communications between the
- US and Brazilian governments were poor in the 1950s? If you can't, we
- shall have further evidence that you're an irrelevant waste of electrons.
- > I would have serious problems with the chain of evidence there
- The "chain of evidence" consists of letters and reports from Brazilian
- government agencies and laboratories. Please elaborate on the nature of
- these problems you have after you've corroborated your claim that
- communications were poor.
- > - not to
- > mention the previous question of why aliens were using such primative
- > materials.
- So the use of pure magnesium in an airborne vehicle for purposes unknown
- automatically implies that it is a "primative [sic] material". Can you
- please corroborate this claim of yours that the uses of pure magnesium in
- airborne vehicles are invariably primitive?
- > And pure Mg wasn't possible in the 1950s? Think again.
- Can you corroborate your claim that pure magnesium could be manufactured
- in the early 1950s? You can't, because Dow and other agencies conceded
- that no artificial manufacture nor natural occurrence of pure magnesium
- was known at that time. But, give it the ol' college try anyway, Mike.
- It's getting to be amusing -- in a derisive sort of way -- to watch you
- ask all these skeptical questions every day that are always answered with
- objective references that you refuse to track down. It's even more fun
- to watch you make claims that are wholly unsubstantiated and that
- contradict the substantiated claims that we are citing. This should tell
- you something, but since you're a zealot, it doesn't.
- > : This was completely consistent with the witness reports
- > : of the fragments coming from an exploding saucer
- >
- > ...as we have a lot of data from exploding saucers that we can compare it
- > to!
- Either you're deeply stupid or you're blinded by fanaticism. David's
- point was that the evidence was *consistent* with the witnesses' reports.
- They reported viewing an unconventional object explode over water, and
- the physical evidence was of an unconventional nature and had slight
- traces consistent with exposure to liquid water. Your silly response is
- totally irrelevant to this consistency between the report and the
- physical evidence.
- > , with the recovered fragments
- > : coming from and being quickly cooled by shallow ocean water (which would produce
- > : the hydroxide, not oxide, from the hydrolysis of water).
- >
- > So we have proof of....hot magnesium hitting water?
- Classic example of SkepticMinimalism. Mike, we have physical evidence
- that corroborates the claims of the witnesses to a large, but not 100%
- certain, degree. This physical evidence was also determined by the
- Brazilian government and by Dow to defy our knowledge of natural and
- artificial occurence of this substance.
- > I'd guess we have a piece of an aircraft, or possibly a chunk of
- > or ICBM debris.
- Now we see Mike lapsing into SkepticInformationFilter. Debunkers have a
- deflective shield around their cortex that guards against the absorption
- of information that contradicts their collapsing hypothesis. Mike, here,
- has apparently decided -- contrary to the verifiable evidence by Dow and
- various government agencies -- that pure magnesium *did* exist at the
- time. Of course, if Mike could provide some evidence of this, he might
- be a little more convincing when he tries to debunk the other evidence
- and verifiable substantiations of the never-before-seen pure magnesium.
- So, because Mike has declared that the evidence of the lack of
- availability of pure magnesium does not exist, he can therefore conclude
- that it was an aircraft or ICBM. Quite amusingly, he probably believes
- that this is an accurate and sound application of Occam's Razor. He
- believes that Occam's Razor is a heuristic to preserve the "simple
- explanation" at all costs, even if it means arbitrarily dismissing
- nonconforming evidence and making unsubstantiated claims.
- > Mg was a major material in 1950s aerospace
- > technology.
- Not pure magnesium. Unless you can provide some documentation to this
- effect, I'd rather take the word of Dow and other labs, thank you very
- much.
- > It's been replaced by other materals and composites that were
- > unknown then. Again, why are advanced aliens using Mg instead of
- > stronger, lighter, tougher materials?
- Why do you assume that pure magnesium has only one use? Maybe they eat
- magnesium and make their onboard pool cues out of magnesium. This is a
- totally idiotic and absurd line of pseudoskeptical reasoning.
- > Well, in the 1950s, Mg was a space-age material. NOt today.
- Do you understand what is meant by "pure magnesium", and that it was not
- in existence in the early 1950s?
- > Hey, I'm not the one claiming that aliens use magnesium! You are. I've
- > already shown you that it's extremely plausible that you're talking about
- > a piece of 1950s aerospace technology.
- You haven't shown *squat* except your own grossly uninformed and
- illogical opinion. YOU are the one contradicting the testimony of those
- who should know, those who said that nobody knew of artificially or
- naturally occurring pure magnesium at the time. David supplied
- references. Yet you have decided that pure magnesium somehow did exist,
- evidence and references be damned. Just like a good "skeptic". Somehow,
- in a further display of disturbingly fallacious logic, you conclude that
- you've "shown" that it's "extremely plausible" that it was 1950s
- aerospace technology. Amazing. How can you call yourself a scientist?
- You're nothing but a crackpot when you exhibit these revolting logical
- fallacies.
- >
- > I'll bet not one saucer fan has revisited the question of whether very
- > pure Mg was a product of 1950s aerospace technology.
- You've been given the evidence and conclusions that pure magnesium was
- unavailable at the time. Yet you contradict this evidence with
- absolutely nothing to offer yourself. Logically, YOU are the one that
- needs to revisit this question. Maybe between your constant barrage of
- derogatory terms like "saucer fan" you can actually squeeze in a little
- substance next time.
- > They generally
- > don't investigate paths likely to contradict their fantastic hypotheses.
- Oh please. You're the one that's been contradicting the entire body of
- research, evidence, and references -- with absolutely *_NO_* evidence of
- your own to offer. YOU are the one that is refusing to investigate paths
- that contradict YOUR idiotic hypothesis, because your hypothesis for the
- magnesium has already been decimated.
- > You're a scientist, you say; what research have you done, other than
- > reading past saucer tales?
- And thus Mike lapses back into his rabid rants. Little does he know how
- completely insane he appears for stomping around the UFO newsgroups like
- a madman, hurling insults around and overturning decades of verifiable
- research with a few keystrokes. He really doesn't recognize the obvious
- lunacy in this behavior.
- --
- Brian Zeiler